Cholinesterase calculator for Medical Supervisors
This calculator is to assist Medical Supervisors in calculating cholinesterase activity levels in agricultural workers who regularly handle highly toxic (category I and II) organophosphate (OP) and carbamate (CB) pesticides. Please refer to the flow chart below.
Worker before handling pesticides
Step 1: Estimate Baseline
When worker has not been exposed to OP or CB pesticides for at least 30 days, establish baseline estimates for RBC and Plasma ChE activity.
Baseline Estimate:
Baseline Difference:
Action recommended:
Worker handling pesticides
Step 2: Order follow-up tests
If worker enters qualifying period, as defined in the Guidelines for Physicians, order follow-up tests for both plasma and RBC ChE activity levels.
Step 3: Interpret results
Compare follow-up and baseline results for both RBC and plasma ChE activity levels.
Step 4: Make recommendations
Make recommendations to the employer and employee according to the Guidelines for Physicians.
Percent of Baseline:
Action recommended:
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