CalEcotox Database
The CalEcotox database is being rebuilt and updated. While it is under construction, we are making the database output available to users in the form of pdf reports. Users can access the exposure factor reports (which contains all the CalEcotox exposure factor data for selected wildlife species) as well as the toxicity reports (which contains all the CalEcotox toxicity data for selected wildlife species).
The California Wildlife Biology, Exposure Factor, and Toxicity Database (CalEcotox) is a compilation of physiological and ecological parameters and toxicity data for a number of California fish and wildlife species. CalEcotox is a unique data base in that it combines exposure and effects information for a wide variety of California terrestrial species. Briefly, the database collates species-specific information for 28 exposure factors (e.g., body weights, ingestion rates, seasonal activities and population dynamics) commonly used to estimate exposure to contaminants. The exposure factors in CalEcotox were patterned after the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Wildlife Exposure Factor Handbook (USEPA, 1993) but augment USEPA's efforts by including information for 62 California mammal, bird, reptile and amphibian species. In addition to exposure factors, toxicological data for population-level to individual-level effects have been included for these species, when available.
For further information on the database, please download the CalEcotox database background information document by clicking on the link below.
Pdf reports containing toxicity and exposure factors on California wildlife species are available at the following links:
Please contact Karin Ricker if you have any questions.