Request for Information and for Public Input on Agenda for Acrylamide Workshop
The California Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is the lead agency for the implementation of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65; Health and Safety Code Section 25249.5 et seq.). Proposition 65 requires the Governor to publish, and update at least annually, a list of chemicals known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. Research performed over the last year or two indicates that acrylamide, a carcinogen listed as "known to the state to cause cancer" under Proposition 65, is formed during cooking of certain foodstuffs at high temperatures, and is present in some foods and beverages.
OEHHA is planning to convene a workshop to discuss all appropriate Proposition 65 regulatory options regarding acrylamide created by cooking foods, including the adoption of alternative risk levels. Future announcements will identify the date, location and agenda of the workshop.
OEHHA welcomes public participation and public input throughout the process of examining this issue. The purpose of this notice is to seek public input and information, at this early stage of the workshop planning process on possible agenda items for the workshop. Supporting documentation for the proposed agenda items is also requested. Information received will be taken into account by OEHHA as it prepares an agenda and background material for the workshop. Submissions should be sent to:
Cynthia Oshita
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Proposition 65 Implementation
P.O. Box 4010
1001 I Street, 19th floor
Sacramento, California 95812-4010
FAX (916) 323-8803
(916) 445-6900
In order to be considered, the relevant information must be postmarked (if sent by mail) or received at OEHHA (if delivered in person or sent by FAX) by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 14, 2003.