Review of the Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone
The objective of this draft chapter is to quantify the potential reductions in adverse health effects from reduced exposures to ozone from attaining the ozone standards recommended in the draft staff report. Although these "Health Benefits" are not the basis for the staff's draft recommendations for the ozone standard, they illustrate the benefits from attainment of the standard. It will become Chapter 10 in the draft staff report.
Comments received from the public on the draft staff report by the close of business on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 will be forwarded to the Air Quality Advisory Committee (AQAC) for consideration at their meeting in Fall, 2004. There will also be a time period for public comments at the AQAC meeting. After the AQAC meeting, all public comments will be considered by the ARB in subsequent revisions of the document, with a final draft Report scheduled to be released to the public later this year.
Written comments on this Staff Report and the staff recommendations for revising the standard may be addressed to Dr. Deborah Drechsler, Ph.D. at the Air Resources Board, Research Division, P.O. Box 2815, Sacramento, CA 95812-2815 (, 916-323-1526, 916-322-4357 FAX). All public comments will be accepted up to and including the Board meeting tentatively scheduled for December, 2004.