Comment Period- Draft Guidance for Assessing Exposures and Health Risks at Existing and Proposed School Sites

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) of the California Environmental Protection Agency is making available the first Draft Guidance for Assessing Exposures and Health Risks at Existing and Proposed School Sites. This draft guidance document was prepared to comply with California Health and Safety Code Section 901(f), which requires OEHHA to develop and publish a guidance document for use by the Department of Toxic Substances Control and other state and local environmental and public health agencies to assess exposures and health risks at existing and proposed school sites, including child-specific routes of exposure unique to the school environment, in addition to those in existing exposure models.  Oral and written comments received at the workshop will be considered during the revision of the draft guidance document. In order to be considered, written comments regarding the revised risk assessment must be received at OEHHA by 5:00 p.m. on January 31, 2003.