Guidelines for Assessing Ecological Risks Posed by Chemicals

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) announces the availability of the Guidelines For Assessing Ecological Risks Posed By Chemicals - Developmental Plan. The primary purpose of the Developmental Plan is to describe the conceptual approach for the development of Cal/EPA Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines and to introduce the specific topics for which guidance will be initially developed. The development of ecological risk assessment guidelines is one strategic activity in support of Cal/EPA’s goal to promote consistency, efficiency, and scientific rigor in ecological risk assessments conducted or reviewed by or for Cal/EPA Boards and Departments. These guidelines will assist the regulated and environmental communities, as well as California's regulatory organizations, by providing a broadly applicable source of scientific guidance that can be augmented as necessary by Cal/EPA program-specific guidance.

Drafts of the Developmental Plan have previously been reviewed internally by an Ecotoxicology Interagency Workgroup composed of representatives from various Cal/EPA Boards and Departments and the Resources Agency. A draft was also favorably reviewed by external peer reviewers, and several clarifications were made in response to their suggestions. From November 21, 1997 through January 20, 1998, the most recent draft of this document was available for public comment (see California Regulatory Notice Register, November 21, 1997). In preparing the final Developmental Plan, OEHHA carefully considered all comments received by the end of the comment period. While every comment was not automatically incorporated into the guidelines, each was examined and addressed in the context of appropriateness and applicability to Cal/EPA guidelines development. Specific responses to individual comments were not provided. Copies of the comments received can be obtained upon written request to OEHHA at the address provided below. A summary of the comments received and OEHHA’s responses to the comments are also available upon written request or may be accessed via the Internet address provided below.

To ensure that the guidelines meet the needs of the Cal/EPA ecological risk assessment community, OEHHA will continue to seek input from interested parties as different components of the guidelines are developed. Depending upon factors such as available resources and level of interest, this may include further workshops on ERA guidance topics and issues. Opportunity for input will also be provided through several levels of review, including technical review by an external review panel and public review. All input will be carefully considered in the light of Cal/EPA goals and mandates, as well as available resources.

Scope and intent

The Cal/EPA ERA guidelines are intended to accommodate the wide range of assessments undertaken by the Cal/EPA Boards and Departments, including air and water quality, hazardous waste and pesticide assessments. Much like the US EPA proposed guidelines (US EPA, 1996), the Cal/EPA ERA guidelines will not be prescriptive but will provide broad guidance and constitute an information resource of available ERA approaches and methods.

Although other useful ERA guidance documents have been developed by various programs within Cal/EPA (see Department of Toxic Substances Control, 1996), these guidance documents are typically focused directly upon program specific issues and are not widely applicable to other programs and ERA needs. The Cal/EPA guidelines are not legally mandated and therefore will not supersede programmatic guidelines, but will provide guidance that may be adopted at the Boards’ and Departments’ discretion. The guidelines will not address risk management decisions (e.g., what situations warrant an ERA; evaluation of remedial or restoration options) as these are typically dictated by each Board’s and Department’s mandate and are outside the scope of Cal/EPA’s guidelines.

Furthermore, as the majority of Cal/EPA’s mandates are based on environmental protection from chemical exposures, the focus of these guidelines will be primarily the assessment of risks to ecological resources posed by chemicals. However, since physical and biological stressors may also pose risks to ecological resources and may influence toxicity of chemical stressors, non-chemical stressors will be considered where they affect the toxicity of chemical stressors to ecological receptors.

Interested individuals who cannot conveniently access the Internet can request copies of the Developmental Plan by mailing or faxing a written request to the address given below. For further questions, please call the OEHHA Ecotoxicology Unit at (916) 327-1099.

U.S. Mail: Attention: Dr. James M. Donald
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment 301 Capitol Mall, Room 205
Sacramento, California 95814
Fax: (916) 327-7340
