Clinician Trainings

Health Care Provider Courses

A course on pesticide illness surveillance with medical information on the recognition of symptoms and medical management of pesticide poisoning.

You will learn:
  • California legal definitions of a pest and a pesticide
  • How to diagnose pesticide illnesses
  • Information on the recognition and treatment of illnesses resulting from exposure to cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides
  • California physicians requirement to report pesticide illnesses and the reporting procedure

This 60-minute course is designed for health care providers and will present information on how to diagnose and treat pesticide illnesses, including illnesses due to cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides, and sources of information on pesticides. Although this course was originally developed for health care providers in California, much of the information will be applicable to health care providers elsewhere.

A course on the California program of medical supervision (cholinesterase monitoring) for agricultural pesticide mixers/loaders/applicators who regularly handle toxicity Category I and II organophosphate or n-methyl carbamate pesticides.

You will learn:
  • How the California Medical Supervision Program works
  • How to establish a baseline of cholinesterase activity and when follow-up tests are required
  • How to interpret each measurement
  • The action levels for red blood cell (RBC) and plasma cholinesterase activity that require the Medical Supervisor to intervene to prevent applicators from further exposure to these pesticides
  • When applicators removed from exposure can return to working with these pesticides

OEHHA’s public health medical officer proposes in-person trainings on-site or via webinar . To arrange a presentation at your worksite or via webinar, contact OEHHA at or (510) 622-3200

Topics to learn:
  • Recognition, Management and Reporting of Pesticide Illness—A General Overview
    A course on pesticide illness surveillance with medical information on the recognition of symptoms and medical management of pesticide poisoning.
  • The California Medical Supervision Program
    A course on the California program of medical supervision (cholinesterase monitoring) for agricultural pesticide mixers/loaders/applicators who regularly handle toxicity Category I and II organophosphate or n-methyl carbamate pesticides.
  • Poison Control Centers, Illness Episodes, and Agricultural Pesticide Applications
    This course is designed for California Poison Control System staff focusing on pesticide regulation, pesticide illness surveillance, emerging pesticide issues, and pesticide information resources.
