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The Carcinogen Identification Committee of OEHHA’s Science Advisory Board serves as the state’s qualified experts and renders an opinion about whether a chemical has been clearly shown to cause cancer. The chemicals identified as carcinogens by the CIC are added to the Proposition 65 list.
California Human Health Screening Levels are provided for historical purposes only. For chemical-specific screening levels for use in assessing contaminated sites, please refer to (DTSC HERO).
The PHG technical support document, available for download below, provides information on the health effects of contaminants in drinking water. The PHG is a level of drinking water contaminant at which adverse health effects are not expected to occur from a lifetime of exposure.
This amendment establishes an oral MADL of 28,000 micrograms per day and an inhalation MADL of 20,000 micrograms per day for n-hexane.
This rulemaking adds Sections 25607.34 and 25607.35 to Article 6 as safe harbor, tailored warnings for exposures to listed chemicals that may occur at residential rental properties.
A report presents a list of chemicals emitted from California refineries, and then prioritizes the chemicals according to their emissions levels and toxicity. The report is a companion document or appendix to ARB’s air monitoring report, “Refinery Emergency Air Monitoring Assessment Report”.
OEHHA has modified the language of proposed section 25704 to clarify the scope of listed chemicals covered by the proposed regulation.
This proposed regulation would establish the naturally occurring level of lead in candies containing chili and/or tamarind as required by Health and Safety Code section 110552.
OEHHA has selected chemicals for the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee's review for possible listing under Proposition 65 as causing reproductive toxicity (developmental toxicity endpoint).
A state fish advisory issued today for Whiskeytown Lake in Shasta County provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Brook Trout, Sacramento Pikeminnow, Sacramento Sucker, and sunfish species.