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OEHHA adopted Chronic Reference Exposure Levels for silica (crystalline, respirable) after approval of its document by the Scientific Review Panel.
This revised report is required by the California Land Environmental Restoration and Reuse Act (Escutia, Chapter 764, Statues of 2001) as part of the effort to develop soil screening numbers for a specific set of contaminants.
NOTE: Following the March 23, 2005 Safe Use Determination public hearing, OEHHA determined that issuance of an Interpretive Guideline would be the more appropriate course of action.
Notice of a public hearing for comment on a request for a Safe Use Determination for a hand-to-mouth transfer factor for lead
OEHHA has finalized a fish advisory concerning elevated levels of mercury in fish in Clear Lake, Cache Creek and Bear Creek (Lake, Yolo and Colusa counties). This region has an abundance of naturally occurring mercury as a result of both natural processes and mining activity and some of the mercury has worked its way into the fish.
Staff Presentations for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee Meeting Held on November 4, 2004
The final hazard identification document "Evidence on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Phenol" was released for public comment.
Staff Presentations for Carcinogen Identification Committee Meeting Held on November 1, 2004
Correction notice: Notice of Intent to List a chemical as known to cause cancer via the “authoritative bodies” mechanism: 2,4-hexadienal
OEHHA announces the availability of the amended regulatory text and the supporting rulemaking documents,Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Sections 12705 and 12805.