Latest News
Notice of Intent to List chemical as causing reproductive toxicity under the authoritative bodies mechanism: 2-bromopropane
OEHHA announced that the state's Public Health Goal (PHG) for perchlorate in drinking water is consistent with the findings of a recent report on the chemical by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS).
OEHHA will publish formal notices proposing a series of regulatory actions to address the issue of acrylamide exposures from foods under Proposition 65.
Request for comments on proposed listing of cobalt sulfate and diazoaminobenzene as known to cause cancer.
Notice of Repeal of Regulations, Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Section 12901 Methods of Detection
Chemical Listed Effective March 4, 2005 as known to the state of California to cause cancer via the Authoritative Bodies mechanism: 2,4-Hexadienal (89% trans, trans isomer; 11% cis, trans isomer).
Notice of Intent to List Chemicals as causing reproductive toxicity under the authoritative bodies mechanism: Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), Di-n-hexyl phthalate (DnHP), Di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP)
NOTE: Following the March 23, 2005 Safe Use Determination public hearing, OEHHA determined that issuance of an Interpretive Guideline would be the more appropriate course of action.
Proposed adoption of Section 12900: Use of specified methods of detection and analysis for listed chemicals for voluntary compliance testing.
Effective February 11, 2005, vanadium pentoxide (orthorhombic crystalline form) is added to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer.