Latest News
OEHHA is providing the public an opportunity to provide information relevant to the assessment of the evidence of developmental and reproductive toxicity for the chemicals: bromodichloromethane, caffeine, and methylisocyanate.
The Public Health Goal for molinate was finalized and made available.
Comment Period on the Notice of Intent to List molinate as causing reproductive toxicity under the Authoritative Bodies mechanism
OEHHA is providing the public an opportunity to provide information relevant to the assessment of the evidence of developmental and reproductive toxicity for bromodichloromethane, caffeine, and methylisocyanate.
Extension of the comment period for caffeine.
Extended comment period - Proposition 65 regulatory update on a regulatory concept on the Labor Code mechanism.
OEHHA released for public comment a draft of Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors.
OEHHA is proposing changes in the regulatory language of section 25204 that will give OEHHA’s determinations presumptive effect in an enforcement proceeding. Section 25204 sets out the procedures and criteria for requesting that OEHHA issue a Safe Use Determination (SUD).
Effective June 18, 2008 all Proposition 65 regulations have moved from Title 22 to Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR).
Dibromoacetic acid is listed as a carcinogen effective June 17, 2008