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OEHHA has prioritized chemicals for consideration under Proposition 65 by the State’s Qualified Experts. OEHHA subjected the chemicals passing the screens to a preliminary toxicological evaluation, as described in the 2004 OEHHA document. As a result of this preliminary evaluation, OEHHA identified the 38 chemicals for possible preparation of hazard identification materials.
38 chemicals for prioritization and consideration by the May 29, 2009 Carcinogen Identification Committee
Meeting materials for the fourth meeting of the cumulative impacts and precautionary approaches (CIPA) workgroup.
OEHHA released two documents that would form the basis for the standard that is intended to ensure safe human re-occupancy of a residence after use as an illegal drug lab.
The fish advisory guidelines provide information to help consumers choose the safest fish to eat. They also recommend how often fish can be eaten to promote health benefits and avoid health risks for fish caught from San Pablo Reservoir in Contra Costa County.
Information has been added to OAL Rulemaking File No. Z-08-0318-08, No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) for ethylbenzene.
A draft Public Health Goal for 1,2,3-trichloropropane is available. Peer review of the document was done by three University of California scientists, and their comments, in addition to OEHHA's responses, are available.
OEHHA announces a second public comment period for the draft Public Health Goals for lead, oxamyl, pentachlorophenol, and trichloroethylene in drinking water.