Latest News
The Office of Administrative Law approved the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s proposal to amend Title 27, California Code of Regulations by adopting Section 25506, originally proposed as Section 25505.
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is adopting new cancer inhalation unit risk (IUR) and slope factors for 1-Bromopropane (1-BP) for use in the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program.
New CalEnviroScreen 4.0 data dashboard released. The dashboard is an interactive online tool used for filtering and visualizing the latest CalEnviroScreen data. Users can filter CalEnviroScreen 4.0 data by geography (county, city, or legislative district) and by any combination of the results from the 21 indicators. A tutorial video and user guide are available.
An updated statewide advisory issued today for fish that migrate in California rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters provides safe-eating advice for American Shad, Chinook (King) Salmon, Steelhead Trout, Striped Bass and White Sturgeon.
An updated fish advisory issued today for the Central and South Delta in Contra Costa, Sacramento, and San Joaquin counties provides safe-eating advice for American Shad, black bass species, bullhead species, catfish species, Common Carp, crappie species, Goldfish, Sacramento Sucker, small baitfish species, Steelhead Trout, Striped Bass, sunfish species, and White Sturgeon.
Press Release about CalEPA’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment today released the fourth edition of its Indicators of Climate Change in California Report, documenting the wide-ranging impacts that global fossil fuel reliance has had on the state’s weather, water supplies, plants and animals, and human health, including Tribes.
This 2022 report presents indicators of climate change describing how California’s climate is changing and how these changes are affecting the state and Tribal Nations.
On October 26, 2022, the Office of Administrative Law approved the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s proposal to amend Title 27, California Code of Regulations by adding new subsection 25607.2(b) to Section 25607.2. The regulation will be effective on January 1, 2023.
Information on the background of Proposition 65 and links to specific regulatory content.
Risk assessment support and toxicological consultation to state and local government on human health and ecological risks associated with exposures to environmental contaminants at sites undergoing regulatory or voluntary cleanup