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OEHHA held its Children's Environmental Health Symposium on Emerging Research and Implications for Risk Assessment and Policy.
Jan 11, 2012, Program: Risk Assessment
CalEPA named OEHHA the lead entity to coordinate and manage the Children's Environmental Health Program, with activities to include conducting symposia and periodically preparing reports on children's health and environmental chemical issues, as well as
supervising and training environmental medicine and pediatric residents to address environmental chemical issues.
Jan 10, 2012, Program: Air
OEHHA has been designated as the lead entity within CalEPA to coordinate and manage Children's Environmental Health. Memo from Matthew Rodriquez to George Alexeeff.
Jan 10, 2012, Program: Risk Assessment
OEHHA extended the comment period for the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Technical Support Document For Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis.
Jan 6, 2012, Program: Air
Intent to list methyl isopropyl ketone by the Labor Code mechanism.
Dec 30, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
This action amends existing procedures governing service of a 60-day notice under Proposition 65 by establishing an alternative procedure for serving notices on the Attorney General via electronic mail.
Dec 28, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of intent to list kresoxim-methyl and tetraconazole as known to the State to cause cancer.
Dec 2, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Modification of the listing of glasswool fibers (airborne particles of respirable size) to glass wool fibers (inhalable and biopersistent) based on the authoritative bodies mechanism (NTP, 2011).
Nov 18, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of Amendment - Title 27, California Code of Regulations Amendment of Section 25703(a)(6): Quantitative Risk Assessment. The amendment modifies the calculation used to convert estimates of animal cancer potency to estimates of human cancer potency, which is used to calculate no significant risk levels for carcinogens listed under Proposition 65.
Nov 11, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA has selected the chemicals below for the CIC’s review for possible listing under Proposition 65. OEHHA is initiating the development of hazard identification materials on C.I. Disperse Yellow 3, Dibenzanthracenes and dibenz[a,c]anthracene.
Nov 10, 2011, Program: Proposition 65