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The recommendations for each fish species are based on levels of methylmercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in fish sampled from the Feather River and Oroville-area waterbodies.
Sep 24, 2014, Program: Fish
The advisory for the Feather River and Oroville-area water bodies offer safe eating advice on more than a dozen species of fish. The advisories cover the Upper Feather River, Lower Feather River, Thermalito Forebay, and Thermalito Afterbay.
Sep 24, 2014, Program: Fish
Comment Period on the request for public participation on potential regulatory actions and the priority level for each potential action
Sep 16, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
Solicitation of input and information on possible regulatory actions and the priority level for each potential action. OEHHA is planning to schedule a workshop to discuss the next steps in its regulatory reform/update projects.
Sep 16, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
Additional changes to the proposed regulation and Initial Statement of Reasons to add section 25904 to Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations. Subsection (e) amended to remove the language which stated that once a chemical no longer meets the requirements for listing, the chemical would remain on the list pending committee review.
Sep 12, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
Announcement of the Carcinogen Identification Committee meeting scheduled for November 19, 2014 and the availability of hazard identification materials for dibenzanthracenes and N-nitrosomethyl-N-alkylamines.
Aug 29, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
Comment period - announcement of the Carcinogen Identification Committee meeting scheduled for November 19, 2014 and the availability of hazard identification materials for dibenzanthracenes and N-nitrosomethyl-N-alkylamines
Aug 29, 2014, Program: Proposition 65
CalEnviroScreen is a science-based tool that identifies the California communities most burdened by pollution from multiple sources and most vulnerable to its effects. Sacramento workshop.
Aug 27, 2014, Program: CalEnviroScreen
CalEnviroScreen is a science-based tool that identifies the California communities most burdened by pollution from multiple sources and most vulnerable to its effects. Los Angeles Workshop.
Aug 26, 2014, Program: CalEnviroScreen