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A workshop series on “California’s Toxics Information Clearinghouse: Scientific Approaches to Implementation” will be held in March and May of 2010. The series is being co-sponsored by the UCLA Law and Environmental Health Sustainable Technology Policy Program, the UC Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry, and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), with primary funding from the UC Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program.
Dec 15, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
A workshop series on “California’s Toxics Information Clearinghouse: Scientific Approaches to Implementation” will be held in March and May of 2010. The series is being co-sponsored by the UCLA Law and Environmental Health Sustainable Technology Policy Program, the UC Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry, and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), with primary funding from the UC Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program.
Dec 15, 2009, Program: Risk Assessment
Extension of 2009 comment period for evidence of carcinogenicity for (1,3-DCP), 3‑monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD), and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its salts and transformation and degradation precursors.
Dec 15, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA extends the public comment period for diisononyl phthalate to 5 p.m., Tuesday, February 16, 2010.
Dec 15, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
Chemical listed effective December 11, 2009 as known to the state of California to cause reproductive toxicity: Molinate.
Dec 11, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
Background information and general overview, with links to fact sheets and traffic exposure news.
Dec 8, 2009, Program: Air
Several studies have shown links between exposure to air pollution or traffic and low birth weight, premature birth and birth defects. Researchers examining health-care data on nearly 5,000 pregnant women in California found that African-Americans were about three times more likely to miscarry if they lived within a half-block of a freeway or busy boulevard than if they resided near lighter traffic.
Dec 8, 2009, Program: Risk Assessment
Comment Period- Draft Child-Specific Reference Dose (chRD) for School Site Risk Assessment: Paraquat
Request for public comment on the draft chRD for paraquat
Dec 4, 2009, Program: Risk Assessment
OEHHA has submitted findings on the active ingredient Chloropicrin. These findings were prepared in response to the risk characterization document (RCD) prepared by the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR).
Nov 29, 2009, Program: Pesticides
Notice of intent to list carbaryl and spirodiclofen as known to the State to cause cancer via the Authoritative Bodies mechanism.
Nov 25, 2009, Program: Proposition 65