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Abstract of the draft hazard ID for the Evidence on Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether
Sep 18, 1998, Program: Proposition 65
Executive summary of the draft hazard ID for the carcinogenicity of MTBE.Evidence on the carcinogenicity of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)
Sep 18, 1998, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of intent to list chemicals via the Authoritative Bodies mechanism as developmental and reproductive toxicants: Chinomethionat (oxythioquinox), cyclohexanol, fluazifop butyl, fluvalinate, oxydemeton methyl, resmethrin, and sodium fluoroacetate.
Sep 4, 1998, Program: Proposition 65
Request for information. Chemicals under consideration for possible listing via the "Formally Required to be Labeled or Identified" mechanism.
Sep 4, 1998, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA has provided a number of comments on the risk characterization methodology and conclusions on the draft RCD for Naled. These comments and our recommendations, as well as suggested clarifications, additions and corrections, are contained in this report.
Aug 31, 1998, Program: Pesticides
OEHHA has provided a number of comments on the risk characterization methodology and conclusions on the draft RCD for Propetamphos. These comments and our recommendations, as well as suggested clarifications, additions and corrections, are contained in this report.
Aug 27, 1998, Program: Pesticides
Description of Public Health Goals (PHGs) and the process of PHG development.
Jul 10, 1998, Program: Water
OEHHA withdrew the previously established Public Health Goal for uranium, and announced intention to develop and adopt a new PHG.
Jul 10, 1998, Program: Water
A status report following 1 year of implementation activity since the completion of the RAAC implementation plans.
Jul 1, 1998, Program: Risk Assessment
OEHHA announced intent to publish in the California Regulatory Notice Register (CRNR) the withdrawal of the Public Health Goal for uranium.
Jun 29, 1998, Program: Water