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OEHHA has provided a number of comments on the risk characterization methodology and conclusions on the draft Addendum to RCD for Methyl Bromide (Inhalation). These comments and our recommendations, as well as suggested clarifications, additions and corrections, are contained in the attachment.
Mar 11, 2003, Program: Pesticides
OEHHA conducted an exhaustive analysis of all available scientific studies on the health effects of arsenic. The proposed PHG of 4 parts per trillion is based upon studies of hundreds of thousands of patients in Taiwan, Chile and Argentina with lung and bladder cancers associated with elevated levels of arsenic in drinking water.
Mar 7, 2003, Program: Water
OEHHA announces a public workshop and comment period for the draft Public Health Goal for arsenic in drinking water.
Mar 7, 2003, Program: Water
Decision not to proceed with the listing of diethanolamine via the Authoritative Bodies listing mechanism as known to cause cancer.
Mar 7, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
Request for information on chemicals to be considered by the OEHHA Science Advisory Board's Carcinogen Identification Committee: Statins
Feb 21, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
Chemical listed effective February 21, 2003 as known to the state of California to cause cancer: Carbon Black (airborne, unbound particles of respirable size).
Feb 21, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
Request for information on phenol, a chemical to be considered by OEHHA's Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee.
Feb 14, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
Correction to the list of chemicals as known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity: Urofollitropin.
Feb 14, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of Amendments to Text of Regulations, Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Preamble to Division 2, Chapter 3, Article 1 and Sections 12102 - 12302, 12304 - 12504, 12601, 12701, 12705, 12709, 12711, 12721 - 14000
Feb 6, 2003, Program: Proposition 65
A draft report containing the proposed advisory and OEHHA's evaluation of potential health threats posed by mercury in certain fish from five reservoirs and portions of the Bear and South Yuba rivers and Deer Creek (Nevada, Placer and Yuba counties).
Jan 31, 2003, Program: Fish