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This final statement of reasons sets forth the reasons for the final language adopted by the Agency for section 12901, and responds to the objections and recommendations submitted regarding the regulation as originally proposed at the July, 1988 hearing, and as modified by the October, 1988 emergency adoption.
Oct 1, 1989, Program: Proposition 65
This final statement of reasons sets forth the reasons for the final language adopted by the Agency for the regulations in Article 5, and responds to the objections and recommendations submitted regarding those regulations as originally proposed and modified.
Jun 1, 1989, Program: Proposition 65
The purpose of these regulations is to provide some "safe harbor" levels and methodologies, and criteria for exposure assessment, which will assist persons in making certain that their discharges, releases or exposures pose no significant risk or would have no observable effect within the meaning of the Act. Article 7, commencing at section 12701, addresses the determination of whether exposures to carcinogens listed under the Act pose no significant risk within the meaning of the Act. Article 8, commencing at section 12801, addresses the determination of whether exposure to listed reproductive toxins would produce no observable effect within the meaning of the Act.
Jun 1, 1989, Program: Proposition 65
This final statement of reasons sets forth the reasons for the final language adopted by the Agency for section 12201 (a) and (b) , and responds to the objections and recommendations submitted regarding those provisions. Under the amended definition of "in the course of doing business", the term would include any business activity without regard to whether it is conducted for profit.
Nov 4, 1988, Program: Proposition 65
This revised final statement of reasons sets forth the reasons for the final language adopted by the Agency for section 12601, and responds to the objections and recommendations submitted regarding that section as originally proposed and modified.
Nov 1, 1988, Program: Proposition 65
This final statement of reasons sets forth the reasons for the final language adopted by the Agency for section 12401, and responds to the objections and recommendations submitted regarding the December 3 proposal and the subsequent proposed modifications.
Oct 1, 1988, Program: Proposition 65
This final statement of reasons explains the lead agency's reasons for accepting some of the objections and recommendations, while declining to follow others, for the adoption of the regulatory proposal designated R-48-87 under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.
Jan 1, 1988, Program: Proposition 65
Las comunidades en desventaja de California son a las que se dirige específicamente la inversión de recursos del programa estatal tope y canje. Estas inversiones están dirigidas a mejorar la salud pública, la calidad de vida y la oportunidad económica de las comunidades de California que soportan mayor carga y, al mismo tiempo, están reduciendo la contaminación que provoca el cambio climático.
, Program: CalEnviroScreen
¿Qué es el Modelo CalEnviroScreen?
El modelo CalEnviroScreen se basa en la definición de CalEPA de impactos acumulativos.
, Program: CalEnviroScreen