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Amsacrine, toxins derived from Fusarium moniliforme (Fusarium verticillioides) and zalcitabine are being added to the list as known to the state to cause cancer. n-Butyl glycidyl ether, carbaryl, 2-chloropropionic acid, diglycidyl ether, 2‑ethylhexanoic acid, methyl n-butyl ketone, p,p'-oxybis(benzenesulfonyl hydrazide), phenylphosphine, 1,3,5-triglycidyl-s-triazinetrione are being added as known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity.
Additional endpoints are being added for chemicals that are already on the Proposition 65 list.
Aug 7, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
Request for comments. So-called “60-Day Notices” are currently served via U.S. Mail on all public prosecutors in the state. This notification process can be expensive and time-consuming. At the request of affected stakeholders, OEHHA has developed a draft regulatory amendment to Title 27, Cal. Code of Regulations, section 25903(c)(1), that would allow these notices to be sent to prosecutors via electronic mail, if the prosecutor has consented to such service.
Jul 23, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
On January 29, 2009, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) convened a panel of scientific experts to provide input on the Toxics Information Clearinghouse, established by SB 509 (Simitian, Statutes of 2008). A series of questions were posed to the panelists to initiate a preliminary discussion of the hazard traits, toxicological and environmental endpoints and other relevant data to be contained in the Clearinghouse. The public was also invited to comment on the questions. The meeting report is now available.
Jul 21, 2009, Program: Risk Assessment
Request for relevant information on the developmental and reproductive toxicity of bisphenol-A, chlorpyrifos, chromium, DDE, and sulfur dioxide.
Jul 15, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
Comments received from the June 12, 2009 request for comments as to whether certain chemicals met the requirements for listing under the Labor Code mechanism.
Jul 10, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
Final Public Health Goal for Trichloroethylene in Drinking Water (2009).
Jul 9, 2009, Program: Water
This memorandum represents an update of the literature review and evaluation for the existing PHG for dalapon (OEHHA, 1997). Our re-evaluation supports the previous PHG derivation in 1997, and there are no new data to justify a significant change to the document.
Jun 19, 2009, Program: Water
Marijuana smoke listed effective June 19, 2009 as known to the state of California to cause cancer.
Jun 19, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA announces a public comment period and workshop for the draft Public Health Goal for trihalomethanes in drinking water.
Jun 19, 2009, Program: Water
Advisory for the areas from South of Seal Beach Pier to San Mateo Point. Safe eating advice based on mercury or PCBs.
Jun 18, 2009, Program: Fish