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Extension of comment period for soliciting information relevant to the administrative listing of acrylamide as a chemical known to cause reproductive toxicity.
Apr 27, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
Extension of the comment periods for both the administrative listing for acrylamide and the proposed maxuimum allowable dose level for acrylamide.
Apr 27, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA released for public comment its proposed Revised Reference Exposure Levels for Toluene Diisocyanate and Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate.
Apr 23, 2010, Program: Air
Proposal to establish a maximum allowable dose (MADL) for Di-isodecyl Phthalate (DIDP) of 2,200ug/day.
Apr 23, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
Workshop on April 14, 2010, on amendments to Sections 25801, 25803, and 25805 of the California Code of Regulations, Title 27, which set out the procedures and criteria for determining an exposure level where there would be no observable effect.
Apr 14, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
Announcement of a public forum on a public Tuesday, April 20, 2010, to present scientific data and other relevant information on whether Bisphenol A meets the criteria for listing in section 25306.
Apr 13, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
Summary of health risks for chemical contaminants in drinking water that have PHGs and state and/or federal regulatory standards.
Apr 13, 2010, Program: Water
Amends existing procedures governing service of a 60-day notice under Proposition 65 by establishing an alternative procedure for serving notices on prosecutors via electronic mail, if the prosecutor has consented to that method of service.
Apr 9, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
Announcement of public comment period and workshop for the draft Public Health Goal for methoxychlor in drinking water.
Apr 9, 2010, Program: Water
OEHHA announces a public comment period and workshop for the draft Public Health Goal for selenium in drinking water.
Apr 2, 2010, Program: Water