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Results of the third round pilot random selection of the chemicals eligible for prioritization for consideration of carcinogenicity evaluation.
Nov 9, 2001, Program: Proposition 65
Diuron found not to meet the scientific criteria for listing via the Authoritative Bodies mechanism as causing developmental or reproductive toxicity.
Nov 2, 2001, Program: Proposition 65
Public Workshop. Solicitation of input on the first set of proposed clarifying regulations.
Nov 2, 2001, Program: Proposition 65
Prioritizing Chemicals for Consideration as Carcinogens Under Proposition 65 by the "State's Qualified Experts": Third Round Random Selection
Oct 26, 2001, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of Intent to List naphthalene as causing cancer under the authoritative bodies mechanism
Oct 19, 2001, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA solicited comments on the document, "Prioritization of Toxic Air Contaminants - Children's Environmental Health Protection Act."
Oct 19, 2001, Program: Air
Public workshop, solicitation of input on proposed clarifying regulations. OEHHA intends to propose a series of regulatory amendments during the next several years and will begin with minor changes of a less complex nature and progress to more significant regulatory amendments.
Oct 5, 2001, Program: Proposition 65
Availability of the draft hazard identification documents for allyl isovalerate and N-carboxymethyl-n-nitrosourea, chemicals to be considered by the Carcinogen Identification Committee for possible addition to the Proposition 65 list
Oct 5, 2001, Program: Proposition 65
Availability of the draft hazard identification documents for cyclohexanol, 2,4-DP (dichloroprop), and metribuzin.
Oct 5, 2001, Program: Proposition 65
The final technical support document for the Public Health Goal for simazine is available.
Sep 28, 2001, Program: Water