Summary of Previous Fisheries Closures Requiring Sampling*

Incident Name

Date Spill Reported


Product Spilled

Fisheries Closure Dates

Seafood Sampled


Crustaceans and other Invertebrates


Pipeline P0054710/2/2021Initial release offshore at Huntington Beach. Oiling/tarballs of Southern California beaches from at least Surfside Beach to the U.S./Mexico Border, including coastal marshes and lagoonsCrude oil10/03/2021 to 11/30/2021musselsSpiny lobster, sea cucumber, whelk, prawn, rock crab, sea urchinBaitfish, perch, sand/kelp bass, halibut, croaker, scorpionfish, sheepshead, mackerel, rockfish, sanddab, jacksmelt
Refugio5/19/2015Refugio and El Capitan State Beaches, Santa Barbara Channel, and portions of the southern California coastline south to the Los Angeles areaCrude oil05/19/2015 to 06/29/2015mussels, abaloneSea urchin, prawn, rock crab, sheep crab, spiny lobsterSurf perch, rockfish, sanddab, mackerel
F/V Royal Pacific11/18/2013Ventura HarborMarine Diesel

11/18/2013 to 01/03/2014

Dubai Star10/30/2009San Francisco Bay, San Francisco and Alameda Counties, including Alameda County ShorelineIntermediate Fuel Oil10/30/2009 to 12/7/2009mussels, clams  
Cosco Busan11/7/2007 San Francisco Bay and San Francisco, Marin, Contra Costa, Alameda, and San Mateo CountiesIntermediate Fuel Oil

11/13/2007 to


musselsRock and Dungeness crabShiner surfperch, Pacific herring


*As required under Section 5654, which was added to Fish and Game Code by legislation signed in 2008 following the Cosco Busan oil spill (November 2007). 


Fish, Ecotoxicology and Water Section

Sacramento Office
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 423-7572

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