Process and Timeline for Fisheries Closure after an Oil Spill

California Fish and Game Code 5654 establishes the initial timeline for a fisheries closure action after an oil spill notification is received.

Fisheries Re-opening Process After Oil Spills Flowchart

  • Within 24 hours after spill notification:
    • CDFW must close fisheries unless OEHHA determines that fishing is unlikely to pose a public health threat (Fish and Game Code 5654).
  • Within 48 hours after spill notification:
    • Public access may be restricted for spill response and worker safety.
    • In some cases, the oil may break down quickly and no closure action is needed.
    • An initial closure can be lifted without seafood testing if a public health threat is unlikely as determined by OEHHA.
  • More than 48 hours after spill notification:

    • If fisheries closure continues more than 48 hours after spill notification, then rapid testing of seafood is required before fisheries can be re-opened.

    • Following smaller spills, only shellfish such as bivalve mollusks may be tested because these species pose a greater risk of accumulating PAHs.

    • Following larger spills, finfish or other shellfish may be tested.

    • See our Oil Spills and Seafood Fact Sheet for details on seafood testing, laboratory analyses, and OEHHA’s risk evaluation.

    • See our flow chart (also shown to the right) for the process and approximate timeline to re-opening.  



Fish, Ecotoxicology and Water Section

Sacramento Office
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 423-7572

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