Domoic Acid Workshop

On May 4, 2017, OEHHA and UC Davis co-hosted a domoic acid workshop at the UC Davis Buehler Alumni Center to discuss the state of the science and implications for human toxicity.  Representatives from academia, government, and non-profit organizations participated in scientific lectures, panel discussions, and audience question and answer sessions on topics related to the potential health impacts of domoic acid exposure.

Discussion topics included:

  • Effects reported in marine mammals and rodents, and their relevance to human health
  • Chronic, low-level domoic acid exposure in humans
  • Pharmacokinetics and understanding the human dose
  • Endpoints relevant to Autism Spectrum Disorders

For more information on domoic acid, visit OEHHA’s marine biotoxin page.


Evaluating the State of the Science

and Implications for Human Toxicity



9:00 – 9:20      Opening Remarks: Workshop Goal and Purpose

Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and UC Davis

9:20 – 9:40      Prince Edward Island: 1987 Domoic Acid Event

Andrew Tasker, University of Prince Edward Island

SESSION I  Moderator: Susan Klasing, OEHHA

9:40 – 10:10    What Marine Mammals Tell Us about Potential Human Toxicity Endpoints

Frances Gulland, Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito)

10:10 – 10:25  BREAK

10:25 – 10:55  Chronic, Low-level Domoic Acid Exposure in Humans: the CoASTAL Cohort

Lynn Grattan, University of Maryland

10:55 – 11:25  Disposition, Pharmacokinetics and Understanding the Human Dose

John Ramsdell, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

11:25 – 12:00  Discussion Panel

Irva Hertz-Picciotto, UC Davis (Facilitator); Elaine Faustman, University of Washington (UW); Melissa Miller, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife; Session I speakers; Audience Q&A

12:00 – 1:00    LUNCH

SESSION II Moderator: Shannon Murphy, OEHHA

1:00 – 1:30      Domoic Acid Experiments in Mice: Exposure, Pharmacokinetics, Pathways of Interest, and Endpoints  

Elaine Faustman, University of Washington

1:30 – 2:00      Domoic Acid Experiments in Rats: Exposure, Neurodevelopmental Toxicity, and Behavioral Teratology

Tracy Doucette, University of Prince Edward Island

2:00 – 2:30      Domoic Acid Experiments in Mice and Endpoints Relevant to Autism Spectrum Disorders

Garet Lahvis, Oregon Health Sciences University

2:30 – 3:05      Discussion Panel

Pam Lein, UC Davis (Facilitator); Isaac Pessah, UC Davis; John Ramsdell, NOAA; Session II speakers; Audience Q&A

3:05 – 3:20      BREAK

SESSION III Moderator: Gina Solomon, California Environmental Protection Agency

3:20 – 3:45      Putting it all Together: Models, Endpoints and Dose-Response

Andrew Tasker, University of Prince Edward Island

3:45 – 4:45      Discussion Panel: What do the Data and Models Tell Us about Human Toxicity?

Irva Hertz-Picciotto, UC Davis (Facilitator); Elaine Faustman, UW; Gina Solomon, CalEPA; Andrew Tasker, UPEI; Audience Q&A

4:45 – 5:00      Closing Remarks

Lauren Zeise, OEHHA


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