Hazard Identification

December 17, 2002 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Cancer Identification Committee (CIC)

Notice to Interested Parties December 17, 2002 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Cancer Identification Committee (CIC)

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Availability of Hazard Identification Materials for Sulfur Dioxide and Announcement of the May 12 and 13, 2011 Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee Meeting

The hazard identification document entitled: “Evidence on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Sulfur Dioxide" is available for public comment.  The DART IC meeting is scheduled for May 12 and 13, 2011.

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December 4, 2002 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee

December 4, 2002 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee

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Availability of the Final and Draft Hazard Identification Documents for Sodium Saccharin

OEHHA has prepared the draft hazard identification document for sodium saccharin and announces the availability of the draft document entitled: "Evidence on the Carcinogenicity of Sodium Saccharin."

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Availability of the Final and Draft Hazard Identification Documents for Phenelzine and its Acid Salts

OEHHA has prepared the draft hazard identification document for phenelzine and its acid salts and announces the availability of the draft document entitled: "Evidence on the Carcinogenicity of phenelzine and its acid salts."

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Availability of the Draft and FINAL Hazard Identification Documents for Diuron and Bromacil Lithium Salt

OEHHA has prepared the draft hazard identification documents for diuron and bromacil lithium salt and announces the availability of the draft documents entitled: "Evidence on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Diuron," and "Evidence on the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Bromacil Lithium Salt."

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December 18, 2001 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Carcinogen Identification Committee (CIC)

December 18, 2001 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Carcinogen Identification Committee (CIC)

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Availability of the Draft Hazard Identification Documents for Allyl Isovalerate and N-Carboxymethyl-n-nitrosourea

Availability of the draft hazard identification documents for allyl isovalerate and N-carboxymethyl-n-nitrosourea, chemicals to be considered by the Carcinogen Identification Committee for possible addition to the Proposition 65 list

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December 17, 2001 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee

Announcement of the December 17, 2001 meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee with tentative agenda.

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Availability of the Draft Hazard Identification Documents for Cyclohexanol, 2,4-DP (dichloroprop), and Metribuzin

Availability of the draft hazard identification documents for cyclohexanol, 2,4-DP (dichloroprop), and metribuzin.

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