My company has already spent in excess of $10,000 updating labels to comply with the regulation and now the rules may change again. This is an unjust expense. We chose the short form warning due to label space on many of our labels although some of the larger labels may have accommodated the longer warning, our label database does not work this way. It had to be one way or the other and since the long warning wouldn't fit on all the labels we had to choose the shorter version. If we have to make these changes it will incur an even greater expense as we will have to somehow come up with a new label database or software system that will allow us to choose one form of the warning over the other. Again, this seems like an unjust expense when we have already complied with the regulation. What about the fact we just had to update our labels, again, another huge expense, to accommodate the new SB-258 legislation and our website now lists all the ingredients in our products. Can't the consumer obtain the Prop 65 information from our website? When does it end?