Comment-20749-Emily S. Brandt
I am very concerned that OEHHA is not taking the scientific evidence sufficiently seriously. This product has been banned in Europe because it causes cancer and has proven so in litigation again and again. Why is it not being outright banned? Why is the profit of chemical companies more important than regulating the health and safety of products that adults and children are exposed to? We have banne it from use in the Fresno Unified School District and instituted safe Integrated Pest Management programs that do not put our staff, students and families at risk. Please do not fail us yet again on such an important issue. Our students' families include many farmworkers who were horrified to learn that their children were exposed to glyphosate and other chemicals before we revised the entire IPM program. Stop protecting glyphosate with a mere warning on the package. It is not sufficient!
Thank you!
Emily Brandt