Comment-20695-Daniel Gregg
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Already lawsuits have been won concerning the carcinogenicity of glyphosate in humans with literally tens of thousands of lawsuits following. Glyphosate, being the most widely used herbicide in the world, has been found virtually everywhere in everything including the water we drink, mother's milk, our blood and even in organic wine. This is unacceptable and the least you can do is require honest labeling with full disclosure of the dangers of the continued use of this toxic chemical in our food supply and environment. Studies that show it's toxicity has been subdued and the FDA has been compromised once again for enormous profits of chemical companies at the expense of the people. Really, glyphosate should be taken off the market and be phased out of use and regenerative, organic agricultural practices be promoted. No more toxic chemicals approved for food production or weed control for the future of the unborn and the health of us all !!!!