Comment-20682-Prof SERALINI, University of Caen Normandy, France.
Monsanto assessed glyphosate alone on long-term tests, but glyphosate is never used alone, but in Roundup formulations, among other pesticide names. We discovered petroleum residues associated to the new Roundup formulations without glyphosate, but with pelargonic or acetic acid instead. These petroleum residues are dangerous carcinogenic compounds such as benzo(a)pyrene and phenanthrene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, very toxic, and also endocrine and nervous disruptors. There are also toxic metals such as arsenic, a forbidden poison in pesticides since 1974. These were already in previous Roundup formulations containing glyphosate also, and this contributes to our discoveries explaining why patients can get cancers (among other diseases) with the Roundup formulations; thus the regulation on glyphosate alone should extend to all poisons associated with it in Roundup. Glyphosate is the minor part of Roundup and of its toxicity. All that is published in important peer-reviewed scientific journals (see and in our book published in the States: The Monsanto Papers (Skyhorse publisher) in 2021.
Monsanto-Bayer staff Donna Farmer admitted in front of the judges that Roundup is not assessed for health risks on the long term. It is also written in the Monsanto Papers that dangerous chemical compounds are in Roundup formulations. Pesticides are synthesized from petroleum in general. Thus Roundup (not only glyphosate alone) has to be assessed for toxicity on the long term and this lack creates the long-term diseases. This was also underlined by the European Court of Justice (Oct 1st, 2019).