Comment-20678-Christine Rich

Comment by
Christine Rich

Sacramento Office
1001 I Street,
Sacramento, CA 95814

April 15, 2022

To Whom it may concern:
In 2013 I discovered I had been unknowingly consuming a chemical compound called glyphosate which was hidden in food that the regulatory agencies, their employees, and staff employed via taxpayer dollars neglected to properly test prior to licensing its use in the global food web. Furthermore, documents, filings, and evidence suggests those licensing the use of glyphosate were well aware of the risks because it holds a patent as an endocrine disruptor. The endocrine system is the glue that promotes health and healing of the human physiology, it is necessary for glandular health, digestive health, and reproductive health.
After discovering I had been feeding myself and my children ingredients coated in RoundUp I made a radical lifestyle change focused on organic foods and foods as medicine; I learned glyphosate is one active ingredient in RoundUp and I learned it is also patented as an antibiotic. I began a deep tissue detox protocol because according to Sweden, glyphosate stores in fats and tissues like a clay, clogging the human systems. Sweden refers to it as 'body burden.' Two weeks after eliminating the secret ingredients, my taste buds changed, it was as if they had been coated. Foods I once enjoyed now tasted fake, phony, and false. I lost weight rapidly. Defects in my body began disappearing. I had suffered migraines since genetically modified ingredients entered the food web around 1991. After detoxing my gut of foods coated in RoundUp, I no longer needed digestive aids, aspirin, allergy medicine, sleep medicine, or acne cream. My gut had been so toxic my system was expressing distress outwardly which is why I had so many health issues. Most of my health issues corrected themselves once I eliminated the foods coated in glyphosate.
It is imperative the state of California, the state agency Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, and those on the committee deciding whether or not to water down this warning, to take pause and reflect on all we have learned the last two years, the length corrupt politicians, their industry comrades, and manufacturers will go through to lie, steal and cheat the American public by licensing poisonous ingredients that cause more harm than help. According to real scientists, the ones publishing true peer reviewed studies, there are twenty-six new diseases that have been discovered since permitting and licensing corporations like Bayer, Monsanto, Dow DuPont, to continue manufacturing chemical compounds known to cause great risk to human and environmental health. Due to the fecklessness of the California legislature to regulate industry in the state of California by permitting carcinogens such as glyphosate to be used near schools, hospitals, churches, and state buildings, OEHHA is in effect contributing to the declining health of the California populace, rendering many too ill to work, or too ill to live any quality life, therefore, the state of California is hereby put on notice, that if any more leniency is granted those manufacturers choosing to continue distributing this harmful product, that the state will be liable for the health insurance of every Californian on the basis of neglect, willful misconduct, and conduct unbecoming that which you swore an oath to uphold. I will make it my personal mission to make sure the state pays for neglecting its responsibility to the public, that each individual who swore an oath to protect and serve will be held accountable for their decision to water down the risks and dangers associated with the use and distribution of known carcinogens such as glyphosate.
I am a mother, a grandmother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, and an accidental activist. I implore this committee do the right thing despite financial pressures or coercion from lobbyists.
Thank you.
Christine Rich
Sacramento, CA

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