Comment-20675-Harvey Makishima, CEO, Public Awareness For Preventive Healthcare, Inc.

Comment by
Harvey Makishima, CEO, Public Awareness For Preventive Healthcare, Inc.

In 2019 I was sent a paper from Drs. Stephanie Seneff and Anthony Samsel of MIT. The paper showed that glyphosate was in nearly all of the CDC recommended vaccines for children (measles, mumps rubella etc.) I sent this information to the Immunization branch who confirmed several neurotoxins were in the vaccines. I recommended that the two legal offices of DPH and OEEHA meet to discuss this issue. The director's office staff at the time would not schedule this meeting. When one office (OEEHA) has glyphosate on the Prop 65 list as a carcinogen and causes birth defects how can DPH allow this chemical to be included in children's vaccines? Please have these two department's legal offices meet to discuss how best to deal with the lawsuits that may occur from this issue. In discovery you may want to contact the immunization branch for a copy of the document. If it is not available please contact DGS Records Management Division re destruction of an important public record in less than the required 7 years.