Comment-20674-K Furey
The EPA states on its website that its scientists found “No evidence that glyphosate causes cancer in humans.” I guess it was lost. HERE: I FOUND IT (maybe nobody scanned and uploaded it to their computer database from the paper files). IN EPA's OWN INTERNAL RECORDS: ATTACHED HERE's a Letter DATED February 10, 1984, from EPA SCIENTIST: William Dykstra, Ph.D., Toxicology Branch Hazard Evaluation Division (TS-769C) which states: "Recommendations: Review of the mouse oncogenicity study indicates that glyphosate (KEY INGREDIENT in RoundUp) is ONCOGENIC (synonym for CANCER-CAUSING), producing renal tubule adenomas, a rare tumor, in a dose-related manner....A risk assessment by Toxicology Branch is required." The "recommendation to conduct a risk assessment" was never done. ALMOST FORTY YEARS LATER GLYPHOSATE IS STILL ONCOGENIC- STILL CAUSING CANCERS. OEHHA has had Glyphosate on the Prop 65 List since 2016 BUT an injunction was UPHELD in court to PREVENT a Prop 65 Label, which would have warned customers of the cancer-causing damage linked to this chemical since July 2018, when it was first scheduled to be enforced. ENOUGH. Over 125,000 people have won a mass tort settlement from Monsanto-Bayer for $9.6 BILLION linking their use of Roundup with their Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. So there, ALONE, are WELL OVER NINE BILLION REASONS TO SLAP A PROPER "KNOWN TO CAUSE CANCER" ON THE PROP 65 LABEL ON GLYPHOSATE-CONTAINING PRODUCTS.