Comment-20689-Leo Younger
Please read Stephanie Seneff's book, Toxic Legacy.…; As a consumer of Certified Organically grown and raised foods, the presence of glyphosate in Roundup and other similar branded herbicides has caused great difficulty and additional expense in finding products not tainted by drift from such herbicides. Please don't change the present wording regarding the cancer risk associated with glyphosate-based herbicides. From Cary Gillam's… , she has warned us, "OEHHA labeling language shift could have big implications," and "..internal EPA communications show that agency scientists did indeed find such evidence and they disagreed with the official EPA position. One series of emails shows that scientists within the EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) advised in December of 2015 that the agency's conclusion that glyphosate was "not likely" to cause cancer was "inappropriate" given the scientific research." Please don't be deceived by EPA's website statement that its scientists found "No evidence that glyphosate causes cancer in humans."