Environmental Protection Indicators for California (EPIC) Products
Environmental Protection Indicators for California (EPIC)
In 2001, the Environmental Protection Indicators for California (EPIC) Project was created to support a commitment by the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) to use measurable results in judging the effectiveness of the state’s efforts directed at environmental protection. The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment led a collaborative effort among CalEPA's boards, departments and office and other state agencies. This resulted in a report in 2002 presenting the framework for an environmental indicator system: --a process and criteria for identifying and selecting indicators -- and an initial set of indicators. WIth limited resources, OEHHA published an update to this report in 2004, and an addendum in 2005.
As an extension of the EPIC project, in 2009 OEHHA began reporting Indicators of Climate Change in California that can help the state track, assess, and report on climate change issues in California.
EPIC Project Products (2000-2005)
- 2005 Addendum to the 2004 EPIC Update
- (This 19 page report is available on-line only)
- New "Findings" section and updated indicators in Air Quality, Water and Land, Waste and Materials Management
- 2004 Update: Environmental Protection Indicators for California
- (This 89 page report is available on-line only)
- Presents updated information for most of the “Type I” indicators (indicators for which sufficient data are available to present a status or trend, and for which systematic, ongoing data collection is conducted).
- Environmental Protection Indicators for California, April 2002
- (Available as downloadable PDF files or CD-ROM versions)
- This 300-page report describes the process for the identification and selection of environmental indicators that are adopted as part of the EPIC system, and presents the initial set of environmental indicators.
- Environmental Protection Indicators for California: Understanding Environmental Conditions through Indicators, 2002
- This 28-page document highlights selected indicators from the full report, and is intended for a broad audience.
For more information on the EPIC Project, contact:
Carmen Milanes
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
1001 I Street, 12th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814
P. O. Box 4010, Sacramento, CA 95812-4010
Phone: (916) 324-2829