Ponceau MX

CAS Number



Acidal ponceau G; Acid leather red KPR; Acid Red 26; Ahcocid fast scarlet R; Aizen ponceau RH; Calcocid Scarlet 2R; CI F food red 5; Colacid ponceau special; Disodium (2,4-dimethylphenylazo)-2-hydroxynapthalene-3,6-disulphonate; Hexacol ponceau MX; Kiton ponceau R; Napthalene lake scarlet R; New ponceau 4R; Paper red HRR; Ponceau G; Ponceau 2R extra A export; Ponceaux 3R; Red R; Red 101; Scarlet 2R; Schultz No. 95; Tetracid Ponceau 2R; Xylidine ponceau; Xylidine red; Food Red 5; D&C Red No.5


Dye for textiles, leather, ink, paper, wood, and food. Use as dye for drugs and cosmetics cancelled in the US in 1966.

Cancer Potency Information

Latest Criteria: Proposition 65 NSRLs/MADLs
Inhalation Unit Risk (μg/cubic meter)-1: 1.3 E-6
Inhalation Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: 4.5 E-3
Oral Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: 4.5 E-3

OEHHA 1992. Expedited Cancer Potency Values and Proposed Regulatory Levels for Certain Proposition 65 Carcinogens.

Proposition 65

Chemical Status

Cancer: Currently listed


Cancer - Listing Mechanism
State's Qualified Experts
Listed as causing : Listed as causing: Cancer
Date of Listing:

Safe Harbor Levels

No Significant Risk Level (NSRL)
200 µg/day
Last NSRL/MADL Revision: 1992

Documents, Presentations, and Publications
