CAS Number
A13-01814; Benzenol; Carbolic acid; Caswell No. 649; Hydroxybenzene; Izal; Monohydroxybenzene; Monophenol; NCI-C50124; Oxybenzene; Phenic acid; Phenyl alcohol; Phenyl hydrate; Phenyl hydroxide; Phenylic acid; Phenylic alcohol; EPA Pesticide Code: 064001
Industrial and medical disinfectant; chemical intermediate in manufacture of synthetic fibers, epoxy, and other resins; solvent for petroleum refining; component of coal tar, tobacco smoke, and motor vehicle emissions
Cancer Potency Information
Latest Criteria: | Chronic Reference Exposure Levels |
Acute RELs
Acute REL (μg/m3): | 5800 |
Species: | Human |
Acute REL Toxicologic Endpoint: | Respiratory and eye irritation |
Acute REL Target Organs: | Respiratory system, eyes |
Severity: | Mild |
Last Acute REL Revision: | 1999 |
Acute Reference Exposure Levels Comments: |
OEHHA 2008. Technical Supporting Document for Noncancer RELs, Appendix D2. |
Chronic REL
Chronic Inhalation REL (μg/m3): | 200 |
Chronic Target Organs: | Alimentary system (liver), cardiovascular system, kidney, nervous system |
Human Data: | No |
Last Chronic REL Revision: | 2000 |
Chronic Reference Exposure Levels Comments: |
OEHHA 2008. Technical Supporting Document for Noncancer RELs, Appendix D3
Proposition 65
Chemical Status
Reproductive Toxicity : | Considered, but not listed |
Documents, Presentations, and Publications
Reproductive Toxicity: |
Public notices related to this chemical
- Final Hazard Identification Document for Phenol
- October 16, 2003 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee
- Draft Hazard Identification Documents for Propachlor and Phenol
- Request for Information on Phenol, a Chemical to be Considered by DART IC
- Availability of Final Data Summaries and Priorities for Chemicals With Respect to Their Potential to Cause Birth Defects or Other Reproductive Harm
- Availability of the Draft Data Summaries and Draft Priorities for Chemicals with Respect to Their Potential to Cause Birth Defects or Other Reproductive Harm