Nitrite and Nitrate

CAS Number

14797-65-0; 14797-55-8


Salts of nitrous acid


Nitrite is produced endogenously, added to cured meats as preservative and color enhancer, and is a common drinking water contaminant. Nitrate is used as fertilizer and as an oxidizing agent.

Nitrite and Nitrate

Cancer Potency Information

Latest Criteria: California Public Health Goals


California Public Health Goals Data

Health Risk Category: Hematoxicity (methemoglobinemia)
Public Health Goal (mg/L): 10 as nitrogen
Public Health Goal - Download: nitratephg051118.pdf
Cancer Risk at PHG: n/a
MCL value (mg/L): 10 as nitrogen
Cancer Risk at MCL: n/a
Last PHG Revision : 2018
California PHG Comments:

Both the PHG and the MCL for nitrate and nitrite reflect a level of 10 mg/L and 1 mg/L, respectively, as nitrogen.  The combined PHG and MCL for nitrate/nitrite is 10 mg/L as nitrogen and the maximum contribution from nitrite should not exceed 1 mg/L as nitrite-nitrogen.

OEHHA 2016. Health Risk Information for Public Health Goal Exceedance Reports