Nitric Acid

CAS Number



Aqua fortis; Azotic acid; Engraver's acid; Hydrogen nitrate; Nital; Nitrous fumes; Nitryl hydroxide


Nitration reagent, oxidizing agent, organic chemical synthesis, doping agent for organic semiconductors, etching and cleaning agent, steel and brass pickling, wood staining, photoengraving, gold and silver separation, military munitions; production of fertilizer, rocket fuel, pharmaceuticals

Nitric Acid

Cancer Potency Information

Latest Criteria: Acute Reference Exposure Levels


Acute RELs

Acute REL (μg/m3): 86
Species: Human
Acute REL Toxicologic Endpoint: Respiratory irritation
Acute REL Target Organs: Respiratory system
Severity: Mild
Last Acute REL Revision: 1999
Acute Reference Exposure Levels Comments:

OEHHA 2008. Technical Supporting Document for Noncancer RELs, Appendix D2.