CAS Number
Proposition 65
Chemical Status
Reproductive Toxicity : | Currently listed |
Reproductive Toxicity
Listed as causing: | Developmental Toxicity Male Reproductive Toxicity | Developmental Toxicity |
Date of Listing: | |
Basis for Listing : | Authoritative Bodies-US Environmental Protection Agency | Male Reproductive Toxicity |
Date of Listing: | |
Basis for Listing : | Authoritative Bodies-US Environmental Protection Agency |
Documents, Presentations, and Publications
Reproductive Toxicity: |
Public notices related to this chemical
- Myclobutanil, 2,4-DP(dichloroprop), Dichlorophene, Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate Listed as known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity
- Notice of Intent to List Chemicals: Cycloate, Diclofop methyl, Fenoxaprop ethyl, Hydra methylnon, Linuron, Myclobutanil, Propachlor, and Sodium nitrite
- Request for Information, 15 Chemicals Under Consideration for Possible Listing Via the Authoritative Bodies Mechanisms