
CAS Number



Hydrazine base; Hydrazine anhydrous; Diamine; Diazane; Levoxine


Precursor to blowing agents, pesticides, pharmaceuticals (antitubercular, antifungals), corrosion inhibitor; aerospace propellant; production of dyes, photographic developer, spandex fibers, explosives, pesticides; reducing agent for many transition metals and some non-metals (arsenic, selenium, tellurium), as well as uranium and plutonium; proposed alternative to hydrogen in fuel cells; component of tobacco smoke


Cancer Potency Information

Inhalation Unit Risk (μg/cubic meter)-1: 4.9 E-3
Inhalation Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: 1.7 E+1
Oral Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: 3.0 E+0

OEHHA 2009. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Technical Support Document for Cancer Potencies. Appendix B. Chemical-specific summaries of the information used to derive unit risk and cancer potency values. Updated 2011.


CDHS 1990. Risk Specific Intakes for Hydrazine and Hydrazine Sulfate.


Chronic REL

Chronic Inhalation REL (μg/m3): 0.2
Chronic Target Organs: Alimentary system (liver), endocrine system
Human Data: No
Last Chronic REL Revision: 2000
Chronic Reference Exposure Levels Comments:

OEHHA 2008. Technical Supporting Document for Noncancer RELs, Appendix D3


Proposition 65

Chemical Status

Cancer: Currently listed


Cancer - Listing Mechanism
State's Qualified Experts
Listed as causing : Listed as causing: Cancer
Date of Listing:

Safe Harbor Levels

No Significant Risk Level (NSRL)
0.04 µg/day