Hexachlorocyclohexane- Alpha Isomer


Alpha-benzenehexachloride; Alpha-BHC; Alpha-HCH; Alpha-Hexachloran; Alpha-hexachlorobenzene


Byproduct of lindane production; component of technical grade lindane (former insecticide). Not produced or used in the US since 1985.

Hexachlorocyclohexane- Alpha Isomer

Cancer Potency Information

Inhalation Unit Risk (μg/cubic meter)-1: 7.7 E-4
Inhalation Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: 2.7 E+0
Oral Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: 2.7 E+0

OEHHA 1992. Expedited Cancer Potency Values and Proposed Regulatory Levels for Certain Proposition 65 Carcinogens.

Listed as Alpha-HCH.