CAS Number
Cyclohexyl alcohol; Hexahydrophenol; Hydrophenol; Hexalin; Hydroxycyclohexane
Soap making to incorporate solvents and phenolic insecticides; source of adipic acid for nylon; textile finishing; solvent for alkyd and phenolic resins, cellulosics, blending agent, lacquers, paints and varnishes, finish removers, emulsified products, leather degreasing, polishes, plasticizers, plastics, and germicides
Date Added
Proposition 65
Chemical Status
Reproductive Toxicity : | Formerly listed |
Reproductive Toxicity
Listed as causing: | Male Reproductive Toxicity | Male Reproductive Toxicity |
Date of Delisting: | |
Basis for Listing : | Authoritative Bodies-US Environmental Protection Agency |
Documents, Presentations, and Publications
Reproductive Toxicity: |
Public notices related to this chemical
- Notice of Intent to List: Chinomethionat, Cyclohexanol, Fluazilfop butyl, Fluvalinate, Oxydemeton methyl, Resmethrin, and Sodium fluoroacetate
- Availability of the Draft Hazard Identification Documents for Cyclohexanol, 2,4-DP (dichloroprop), and Metribuzin
- N-Carboxymethyl-N-nitrosourea Listed as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer, and Cyclohexanol and 2,4-DP Delisted from the List of Chemicals as Known to the State of California to Cause Reproductive Toxicity
- Request for Information on Cyclohexanol and 2,4-DP for Possible Removal from the List and Revision of the Basis for Inclusion of 2,4-D Butyric Acid on the List