Chromic Trioxide

CAS Number



Chromic acid mist; Chromic anhydride; Chromic oxide; Monochromium trioxide; Puratronic chromium trioxide


Metal finishing and plating; medicine (caustic to remove warts and other growths); manufacture in wood preservation products, catalysts, chromium dioxide, and pigments.

Chromic Trioxide

Cancer Potency Information

Latest Criteria: Chronic Reference Exposure Levels


Chronic REL

Chronic Inhalation REL (μg/m3): 0.002 (inhalation); 20 μg/kg BW-day (oral)
Chronic Target Organs: Inhalation: Respiratory system. Oral: Hematologic system
Human Data: Yes
Last Chronic REL Revision: 2001
Chronic Reference Exposure Levels Comments:

OEHHA 2008. Technical Supporting Document for Noncancer RELs, Appendix D3