CAS Number
Asbestos fiber; Ascarite; Calidria-asbestos
Heat resistant agent used in construction materials, clothing, disk brake pads, gaskets. Use in the US banned for spray-applied surfacing (1973, 1978, 1990); pipe and block insulation on facility components (1975); papers, flooring felt, and rollboard (1976); artificial embers and wall-patching compounds (1977).

Cancer Potency Information
Latest Criteria: | California Public Health Goals |
Inhalation Unit Risk (μg/cubic meter)-1: | 6.3 E-2 |
Inhalation Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: | 2.20 E+2 |
Oral Slope Factor (mg/kg-day)-1: | 1.4 E-13 (fibers/L water)^-1 |
Comments/References: |
OEHHA 2009. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Technical Support Document for Cancer Potencies. Appendix B. Chemical-specific summaries of the information used to derive unit risk and cancer potency values. Updated 2011.
OEHHA 2003. Public Health Goal for Asbestos.
Note: Inhalation unit risk can also be expressed as 1.9 E-4 (100 PCM fibers/m^3)^-1. |
Proposition 65
Chemical Status
Cancer: | Currently listed |
Cancer - Listing Mechanism
Labor Code
Listed as causing : | Listed as causing: Cancer |
Date of Listing: |
Safe Harbor Levels
No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) - Inhalation
100 fibers/day ᵈ
Cancer |
California Public Health Goals Data
Health Risk Category: | Carcinogenicity |
Public Health Goal (mg/L): | 7 million fibers/L |
Public Health Goal - Download: | ph4asbestos92603.pdf |
Cancer Risk at PHG: | 0.000001 |
MCL value (mg/L): | 7 million fibers/L |
Cancer Risk at MCL: | 0.000001 |
Last PHG Revision : | 2003 |
d Fibers equal to or greater than 5 micrometers in length and 0.3 micrometers in width, with a length to width ratio of greater than or equal to 3:1 as measured by phase contrast microscopy.