CalEnviroScreen 2.0 Draft

On April 21st, 2014, OEHHA and Cal EPA released CalEnviroScreen 2.0 Draft. Information related to the draft can be found below.

CalEnviroScreen 2.0 Draft Report:

Additional Material:


OEHHA hosted an April 30, 2014 webinar describing the tool and major updates in Version 2.0. Webinar slides are here.

Public Workshops:

OEHHA and CalEPA held three public workshops to provide opportunity for verbal feedback on the draft. The workshop dates and locations were:

  • Sacramento, May 1, 2014
  • Fresno, May 6, 2014
  • Los Angeles, May 7, 2014

The agenda for these workshops is available here.

In addition, OEHHA held a written public comment period on the draft CalEnviroScreen 2.0 document from April 21 to June 2, 2014. Click here to see the feedback recieved at the workshops and see the comment letters on CalEnviroScreen 2.0 Draft.


