Linguistic Isolation


Linguistic Isolation

What is linguistic isolation?

Linguistic isolation is a term used by the US Census Bureau for limited English speaking households. More than 40 percent of Californians speak a language other than English at home. About half of those do not speak English well or at all.


Why is this indicator included in CalEnviroScreen?

  • Californians speak more than 40 different languages at home.
  • Adults who are not able to speak English well often have trouble talking to the people who provide social services and medical care. As a result, they might not get the health care and information they need.
  • Linguistically isolated households may not hear or understand important information when there is an emergency like an accidental chemical release or spill.


How is linguistic isolation measured in CalEnviroScreen 4.0?

  • The US Census Bureau's American Community Survey maintains information on the rate of linguistic isolation in different areas in California.
  • The indicator is the percent of limited speaking households, which are households where no one over age 14 speaks English well.
  • The data are from the years 2015-2019.
  • A complete description of the Educational Attainment indicator can be found in the CalEnviroScreen 4.0 report.


Where can I find more information about linguistic isolation?

CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Linguistic Isolation Map

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