Cleanup Sites


Cleanup Sites

What are cleanup sites?

Cleanup sites are places that are contaminated with harmful chemicals and need to be cleaned up by the property owners or government. People living near these sites are more likely to be exposed to chemicals from the sites than people living further away. Some studies have shown that neighborhoods with cleanup sites are generally poorer and have more people of color than other neighborhoods.


Why is this indicator included in CalEnviroScreen?

  • Chemicals in the buildings, soil or water at cleanup sites can move into nearby communities through the air or by movement of water.
  • The land may take many years or decades to clean up, reducing possible benefits to the community.
  • Scientists have found toxic metals in house dust and pesticides in the blood of people who live near contaminated sites.


How are cleanup sites measured in CalEnviroScreen 4.0?

  • The Department of Toxic Substances Control keeps track of cleanups of contaminated sites in California.
  • The indicator combines the sites in or near each census tract.  This combination takes into account the type of site it is and how close it is to where people may live.
  • A complete description of the Cleanup Sites indicator can be found in the CalEnviroScreen 4.0 report.


Where can I find more information about cleanup sites?

CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Cleanup Sites Map

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