Air Quality Advisory Committee Public Meeting and Two Workshops
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and the Air Resources Board (ARB) invite you to participate in a public meeting. This meeting is the scientific review by the Air Quality Advisory Committee (AQAC) of the California ambient air quality standards under Senate Bill 25 (SB25). The AQAC provides scientific peer review to OEHHA. The OEHHA/ARB joint report is intended to determine whether, based on public health, scientific literature, and exposure pattern data, the standards protect the health of the public, including infants and children, with an adequate margin of safety. The agenda will include discussions on the health-protectiveness of the ambient air quality standards. The OEHHA/ARB joint report includes links to the pollutant reviews written by consultants.
This meeting is intended to help OEHHA and ARB decide which standards should be prioritized for a full review and possible revision over the next few years. Therefore, at the AQAC meeting recommendations for specific revisions of any particular standard will not be made.
So that we can allocate sufficient time for members of the public who wish to address comments to the AQAC and OEHHA, please contact Rachel Broadwin if you wish to make a public comment at the meeting. Please check the agenda for the date of each pollutant discussion and indicate which day(s) and criteria air pollutant(s) your comment(s) will address. The Conference Center is ADA accessible. If accommodation is needed, please contact Rachel. If possible, please make this contact four days before the event.
Besides the public meeting of the AQAC scientific review, ARB and OEHHA invite your participation in a public workshop, held in either of two locations.
The workshops offer additional opportunities to discuss the health protectiveness of the ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, sulfates, lead, and hydrogen sulfide. ARB will consider the recommendations of the joint report at its December 7, 2000 meeting.
At the workshops, ARB and OEHHA staff will briefly summarize the joint report and respond to public questions and comments. For a copy of Adequacy of California's Ambient Air Quality Standards, Senate Bill No. 25 - Children's Environmental Health Protection