2004 Review of the Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone
The staff of the Air Resources Board (ARB) and Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) are currently reviewing the scientific literature regarding the health effects of ozone (O3) and are considering revisions to the Ozone Ambient Air Quality Standard based on the literature review. This work follows a preliminary evaluation of all health-based ambient air quality standards in December of 2000 to determine which California ambient air quality standards do not adequately protect public health, particularly that of infants and children. Below you will find the draft staff report "Review of the California Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone".
Currently OEHHA recommends that the current 1-hour average standard of 0.09 parts per million (ppm) be retained and add an 8-hour standard of 0.070 ppm, both not to be exceeded. If the Board does not adopt an 8-hour standard, then the 1-hour standard should be lowered to 0.08 ppm, not to be exceeded.
These recommendations were developed pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 39606(b), which requires OEHHA to develop health-based recommendations for Ambient Air Quality Standards for the criteria air pollutants. These recommendations will be included in the public review draft of the joint ARB/OEHHA staff report (see chapter 8 of the ARB report).
Comments received from the public on the draft staff report by the close of business on Monday, August 2, 2004 will be forwarded to the Air Quality Advisory Committee (AQAC) for consideration at their meeting in Fall, 2004. There will also be a time period for public comments at the AQAC meeting. After the AQAC meeting, all public comments will be considered by the ARB and OEHHA in subsequent revisions of the document, with a final draft Report scheduled to be released to the public later this year. All public comments will be accepted up to and including the Board meeting tentatively scheduled for December, 2004.
Go to the ARB web site to see the Ozone Review Schedule
- Ozone